Countries Around the World Will Be Facing Significant Challenges Relating Not only To the Environment

Countries Around the World Will Be Facing Significant Challenges Relating Not only To the Environment (1)

Countries around the world will be facing significant challenges relating not only to the environment but population and education as well. What problems will your country face in the next ten years? How can these problems be overcome? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Globally, most nations will encounter remarkable problems Concerning their surroundings and the number of its Inhabitants as well as in the area of schooling. This essay will state the problems my country will have in the decade to come and how they will be solved.

Firstly, my country Nigeria will experience an increase in both noise and air pollution. This is because of the high rate of influx of people from rural to urban settlements, thereby increasing the number of automobiles on the roads, burning of fossil fuels for cooking, and overcrowding. Secondly, the crime rate will skyrocket. As a developing country that does not have many jobs to offer to its Increasing population, Inhabitants will resort to various forms of crime such as cybercrime, armed robbery, kidnapping, and what have you. Therefore, it is obvious that this problem and more will be on the increase unless action is taken.

For this problem to be eradicated or minimized, it requires the joint effort of government and individuals. On the part of the government, urbanization has to be halted by equitable distribution of resources also sensitization of people on the risk of fossil fuels and better alternatives for cooking. More so, the building of industries will go a long way in averting crime by providing work for the masses. On the other hand, people should strive to look out for causes of pollution in their locality and report to appropriate authorities and also take action on themselves to control it. Also, they need to focus on skill acquisition which will not only put food o in their table but be an avenue to create jobs for other people.

Conclusively, it is apparent In my country that unemployment and pollution will be on the increase in the decade to come due to alterations in numbers of people, environment, and school; however, government and individuals have to take measures to curb the situation.

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