Describe a Crop, Vegetable or Plant that You Are Familiar With

Describe a Crop, Vegetable or Plant that You Are Familiar With

Describe a Crop, Vegetable or Plant that You Are Familiar With.

India is a land of agriculture, and many different kinds of plants and crops are grown here. Today, I would like to talk about the grain wheat. It is the major staple food of India.

We make different kinds of bread, cakes, and sweets from it. It is grown in winter, and in India, there is also a festival called Baisakhi, which is celebrated at the harvesting time of this crop.

It comes in different varieties according to the size and the region in which it is grown, for example, ‘sharbat, tukdi, bar,’ etc. It is a major source of carbohydrates.

I am familiar with this crop because of my father, as he knows different varieties of it, and he takes me with him every year to buy wheat in winter. To keep it for a longer duration, we apply castor oil to it before storage.

Wheat is a very important food for North and West Indians. South Indians also eat it, but they are more dependent on rice.

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Part 3 Questions

Question 1:- Do People in Your Country Like to Grow Plants at Home?

Yes, in India, in every household, one can find different kinds of plants. The most common among them are money plants, tulsi, mint, and office plants 🌱 . People who stay in bungalows have space for growing large trees, and they have curry leaves, lemon plants, and many flowers like rose and jasmine plants.

Question 2:- Do Old People Grow Plants?

Yes, gardening is a great hobby and also requires patience. It is time-consuming, too, so old people like to spend their time growing plants 🌿 . Older people also know about some household things that act as fertilizers; for example, banana waste is a good fertilizer.

Question 3:- How Do Schools Teach Students to Grow Plants?

Schools have events such as tree plantations, and they mostly have them on Earth Day or Forest Saving Day 🌳 . On that day, students gather at school and are divided into groups. Each group has one teacher as a leader, and they are provided with different plants and are allotted different areas of the city where they have to plant trees. It is also the responsibility of the group to take care of the plants after planting them.

Question 4:- What Is the Main Crop of Your Country?

There are two main crops: wheat and rice. Wheat is famous among North and West Indians and is a winter crop. Rice 🌾 is grown during the rainy season and is famous among South Indians.

Question 5:- How Were the Crops Grown in The Past?

In the past, technologies were limited, so farmers had to do things manually. Farmers used oxen to prepare their land for farming, but now they use tractors. In the past, crops often suffered from insect attacks, but now farmers use insecticides and pesticides to protect their crops.

Question 6:- Do You Know Some of The More Advanced Ways to Grow Crops?

Well, I don’t know much about farming, but as far as I know, farmers use the drip irrigation system to water plants, where water is constantly dropped at the site of the plant, drop by drop. This saves water and helps plants grow. Nowadays, many people are trying to do organic farming at home, which is also a new trend. However, I have very limited knowledge about it 💧 .

Question 7:- Are There Some Drawbacks to Growing Crops Using Modern Technology?

Yes, nowadays, more insecticides and pesticides are used, which is harmful as it increases air and water pollution. Scientists 🧪 say even after washing vegetables and fruits, we ingest some micro-amounts of these chemicals, which is definitely not healthy for us.

Question 8:- Is Farming a Popular Career Choice in India?

India is a land of agriculture 🚜 , and 40% of Indians are farmers. However, the number of people who want to pursue farming as a career is decreasing due to some government policies and the risk of going into debt if the rainy season is not good. Nowadays, after climate change, it has become unpredictable how much rain will occur each year. Many farmers commit suicide when they are in debt.

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Question 9:- Why Don’t Young People Today Like to Be in The Farming Business?

The efforts needed for farming are much more than the income 💸 received. Moreover, farming requires patience, and today’s generation lacks patience; they want everything fast. Also, in farming, people have to stay in the field regardless of the season, but today’s generation is not that resilient.

Question 10:- How Do You Think Technology Will Change Farming in The Future?

Technological advancements are present in every field, including farming 🚜 . For example, nowadays, every farmer has a tractor to prepare land. There are machines available for harvesting and cleaning crops, which are fast, so less time is consumed in these processes, making farming a less exhausting job these days.

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