Describe a Difficult Thing You Did

Describe a Difficult Thing You Did

Describe a Difficult Thing You Did. You Should Say –

Well, I have done many things in my life that I found very difficult to do when I started, but they became very easy for me. For example, I found cooking very difficult, but now I can cook anything easily by following the recipe.

Today, I would like to talk about cooking, which was a very difficult task for me. When I first learned cooking, I faced many difficulties with ingredients because I easily forgot which ingredients to use and when.

However, after following my mother and grandmother, who both have excellent cooking skills, I became very skilled in cooking. Eventually, I completely learned cooking, and after that, I felt over the moon because it was hard for me initially. I can make the Punjabi dish paneer tikka without anyone’s help. 🍲

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Difficult Thing You Did

Question 1:- What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?

I think all jobs require a degree of confidence, but the ones that involve dealing with customers require much more confidence. 💼

Question 2:- On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?

Children should be encouraged when they hesitate to do something good for them, but encouragement should be done to a certain limit. They should not feel like something is being forced on them. For example, we can encourage them to learn something creative, such as painting, if they show interest in it. 🎨

Question 3:- How do you help children stay focused?

There are many ways in which children can be helped. First, one can provide them with an environment free of distractions; when they are studying, they should not be allowed to use cell phones. 📚

Question 4:- What challenges do young people face today?

Well, I think there are two main challenges that young people face nowadays. First of all, it is related to the mind and mental health. Everyone is aware of the rise in depression and suicide cases. The second challenge is the increasing competition in every sector, such as education and professional lives. 💡

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Question 5:- Do you see this kind of help occurring in your neighbourhood?

Yes, in difficult situations, everyone in my society helps each other. Some provide food, shelter, and clothes to wear safely. 🤝

Question 6:- How can people in the neighbourhood help the elderly during an epidemic?

In my neighbourhood, people help elders in different ways. They go for small walks with them, have conversations, and provide good healthcare. 🌼

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