Describe a Natural Disaster in Your Area

Describe a Natural Disaster in Your Area

Describe a Natural Disaster in Your Area. You Should Say:

Well, due to global warming, natural disasters are becoming quite frequent, and unfortunately, my region was affected by the same two years ago.

The area was adversely affected as there was an earthquake situation that I can never forget. Here, I would like to talk about a situation when I faced an earthquake when I was in 6th class. D

uring my exam time, I felt a heavy earthquake, and all the windows and tables shivered. All the students and teachers got scared because we were on the 3rd floor of the building, and there was a huge chance of collapsing. Afterwards, we ran out of the building and rushed to the ground floor.

Furthermore, the second phase of earthquakes started again, and this time, the intensity of the earthquake was massive. I felt through my legs that the ground looked like a dancing floor with huge vibrations.

Unfortunately, the cafeteria of the school got down, and the roof fell immediately. I was in a dilemma: what could I do? There were crying faces in my surroundings, and we took hard shelter and lay down according to our staff instructions; I also learned this lesson from our schools.

Moreover, after 20 minutes, the earthquake stopped, and all the parents immediately came to school and hugged their children. I am afraid of this natural disaster because I have personally experienced the devastation of an earthquake and have seen how damaging its aftermath could be.

I learned that it can destroy a town and city within just a few seconds. I was afraid for my life, and my parents were afraid for my life as well as theirs when, all of a sudden, an earthquake hit our town.

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Part 3 Questions: Describe a Natural Disaster in Your Area

Question 1:- What Do You Mean by Natural Hazards?

The rapid growth of the population and the increasing intensity of global warming are prominent reasons for natural disasters. For an example of natural hazards are cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions which are exclusive of natural origin. Landslides, floods, drought, and fires are Natural hazards since their causes are both natural and man-made.

Question 2:- Have You Encountered Any Natural Calamity in Your Life?

Yes, I faced a natural hazard in my life when I was in 6th class; I faced the horrible situation of earthquakes. Recently, I looked at the situation in Uttarakhand; it was too scary, and lots of people lost their lives during the floods. People faced an abundance of consequences at that time.

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Question 3:- Why the World Faces More Natural Disasters in This Present Era than In the Past Time

Due to lots of modifications with earth caused natural disasters. Moreover, the number of disasters has increased by a factor of five over the 50 years, driven by climate change, more extreme weather and improved reporting.

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