Describe a Resolution You Made in The New Year

Describe a Resolution You Made in The New Year

Describe a Resolution You Made in The New Year. You Should Say:

Well, I make resolutions every year. However, I only complete a few of them. This year, I resolved to exercise regularly 🏋️‍♀️. I have decided to start with basic exercises and yoga for a month and then move on to more advanced exercises.

I have also decided that if I can’t stay motivated to work out regularly, I will seek help from a gym with a personal trainer to fulfill my resolution 🧘‍♂️. I made this resolution because I noticed that I am not physically fit. I can’t even run a few kilometers, and when I take the stairs, I start gasping for breath.

I don’t have enough stamina for regular physical activities, which is very disturbing for me. I feel good about taking a step towards being physically fit, and I am looking forward to achieving this goal.

Follow-Up Questions: Describe a Resolution You Made in The New Year

Question 1:- What are the most common resolutions in your country?

Usually, people make resolutions like doing regular exercise, eating healthy food, working hard towards goals, and giving up bad habits such as consuming tobacco or smoking 🚭. However, only a few people actually keep their resolutions.

Question 2:- How difficult would it be for you to save money this year?

In today’s scenario, daily necessities such as milk, vegetables, and petrol are becoming more expensive day by day, while salaries are not increasing at the same rate. Therefore, it is really difficult to save money 💰. But I understand the importance of saving money, so I cut back on things like buying new clothes or watches that are not required routinely to save money.

Question 3:- How difficult would it be for you to get fit this year?

Honestly, I am a bit lazy, and I don’t exercise regularly. Moreover, I am keen on sweets, so I eat a lot of them 🍬. Therefore, it is difficult for me to stay healthy because of my habits.

Question 4:- What do you think this year will be like for you?

I am very optimistic about this year. I believe that this year might bring new rays of hope into my life. There are chances that I might get married or travel abroad. So, I am really looking forward to the new changes this year will bring 🌟.

Question 5:- What things would you like to stop doing this year?

I want to stop focusing on things that are out of my control, such as trying to please everyone. I would really like to focus more on myself and my career goals this year 🎯.

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