Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language: IELTS Speaking test

Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language IELTS Speaking test (1)

Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Sample Answer of Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language

Linguistics are a part of human life, and bilingualism has been on the rise because it gives people some opportunities in life. Apart from my native language, Twi and English, I’m not a speaker of any other language, and I’ve been feeling handicapped when chatting with my friends because they can speak more than three languages. In the light of adding French to my tongue, I paid $500.00 for a man believed to have stayed in France for 15 years. According to people, he speaks French very well with a good accent, and that took me to it. We spoke, and he agreed to tutor me for six months, and at the end of the period, I must be able to speak as an intermediary in the French language. I got almost every logistics needed to make my studies an easy and entertaining one. I started the class without letting my peers know because I wanted to surprise them with my French-speaking ability. Never did I know I was just a joke. Our other friend, who also did not speak French, had enrolled, and both of us had to keep it a secret. Three months into it, and per what my lecturer taught me, I could speak and write basic French. He taught me very well and made me a scholar in the six month period if I’m not afraid to say. I had control over French and could even sing in French. My friends were one day having a discussion which I found to be interesting, and upon my appearance, they switched from English to French, knowing I didn’t have any knowledge about it. In my quest to surprise them, I told them in French to revert to the French and continue the discussion. They felt amazed and asked whether I could understand them all this while, and I told them I only enrolled to learn to ensure the continuity of our friendship.

Follow-ups of Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language: IELTS Speaking test

Question 1:- What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

Answer- The ability to cope and material accessibility has been my utmost problem whenever I want to learn a new language.

Question 2:- At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

Answer- I believe the ability to learn new languages is far simple and easy for children, and hence, by the 6th year of life, any foreign language you want your ward to learn must be started.

Question 3:- Which skill is more important, speaking or writing?

Answer- I believe that talking and writing go hand in hand, and all are equally important. In the first instance, knowing how to speak very well and not knowing how to write, you may be cheated in contracts. Likewise, knowing how to write but not knowing how to speak may not give you the chance to talk over a contract as well.

Question 4:- Do you think language learning is important? Why?

Answer- I think that linguistic studies are of more value. This is so because it gives opportunities to people worldwide and sharpens one’s thinking abilities.

Question 5:- Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group? Why?

Answer- I prefer to study alone, and of course, it has benefited me a lot. I believe that learning alone takes you off distractions and makes you focus more. When studying with a group, someone can distract the whole group with something unnecessary. Even though single studies have their own demerits, I will always choose them over group studies.

Question 6:- What’s the best way to learn a language?

Answer- The most appropriate way to study a language is to live amongst that particular language speaking group.

Question 7:- Does a person still need to learn another language if he is good at English?

Answer- Even though the English language is widely spoken worldwide, learning a different language may help a person in other ways to understand nature or be able to communicate with non-English speaking people

Question 8:- Do you think minority languages will disappear?

Answer- I believe that the least spoken languages may only disappear when they do not use them or teach their children. Something can only exist if people have control over it.

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