Describe an Incident Where Someone Apologized to You

Describe an Incident Where Someone Apologized to You (1)

Describe an incident where someone apologized to you. You should say:

Sample Answer of Describe an Incident Where Someone Apologized to You

There are many incidents that happened with me where my friends apologized to me. Today, I would like to talk about the one incident that happened to me recently. Two months ago, my teacher gave an assignment to our class. Then, my friend and I decided to completion of an assignment together.

My friend visited my house, and we started our assignment; we constantly sat for 5 hours for the completion of the assignment. Finally, we completed our work after 5 hours. Suddenly, my friend bought a new pen for writing an introduction on the front page. But the pen not working, and he tried again and again, and then immediately ink fell on my assignment.

My assignment became worst. So, this was the incident where my friend apologized to me. That day was a memorable day for me because I spent all night writing my assignment a second time.

Follow ups of Describe an Incident Where Someone Apologized to You

Question 1:- Do people in your country apologise often?

Answer:- In my country, all people apologize to others if they did any mistakes. Because it is in our culture to apologize for mistakes and help to do those things which we spoiled of the others. So, yes, in my country often apologize to others.

Question 2:- What kind of apology means more to you: words or actions?

Answer:- Actually, for me, both are apologizing, and I already told you it is in our culture to apologize for mistakes and help to do that thing which we spoiled of the others.

Question 3:- Why are people selfish?

Answer:- Nowadays, people are selfish because of the world. The world is more expensive for that we need money and time and more effort. Because nowadays, trust is more expensive so, people can not afford that. So, people are more selfish.

Question 4:- Should we be more considerate?

Answer:- We do not have any option, so we have to consider in now and future because people are more selfish.

Question 5:- What teaches us to be considerate?

Answer:- Selfishness, money and trust, and so many things considerate us.

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