Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture. You Should Say:

I am a foodie, and I love to try different cuisines. Multiple restaurants serve different cuisines, such as Italian, Chinese, and Mexican. Apart from eating, I also love cooking a variety of cuisines.

My husband loves Mexican food, and for our 1st wedding anniversary, I surprised him by preparing his favourite dinner. I wanted to learn authentic Mexican cuisine, so I searched the internet to see if any workshops were happening in Ahmedabad.

Luckily, I found two courses, inquired about them, and joined the workshop with good reviews. It was a 5-day workshop, and to hide this from my husband, I told him I joined a baking workshop. I prepared a Mexican hot pot, nachos, and salsa on our anniversary day. My husband loved the surprise. My family members were happy, too, and I can now teach Mexican cuisine to others as well.

Also, Check Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store

Part 3 Questions: Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

Question 1:- What difficulties do people face when learning new things from foreign cultures?

Learning anything new is a tough task, especially from a foreign culture, because the resources one has are online. Nobody is available in person to guide, or one has to travel to the actual place to learn it because sometimes the information on the internet is not authentic.

Question 2:- At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

I believe children should start learning in primary school because it is easy to learn in childhood when teachers are there to guide them. After growing up, it can sometimes be difficult to develop an interest in learning a new language.

Question 3:- Do you think language learning is important? Why?

Yes, it is the way of communication, and it is needed everywhere. In jobs, preference is given to the person who knows both the local language and English. Also, one can enjoy different movies and shows if he/she knows multiple languages.

Question 4:- What’s the best way to learn new things?

Firstly, one should gather information about the new thing and the resources from where he/she can learn. One should also talk to people or watch videos of people who already have the skill.

Question 5:- Do you think minority languages will disappear?

No, people still prefer to communicate in their mother tongue in local areas. Moreover, the government has also included these languages in the curriculum so that children learn them. For instance, students learn Sanskrit in school until 10th grade.

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