Describe when You Were in A Public Place and Overheard a Stranger Talking on The Phone

Describe when You Were in A Public Place and Overheard a Stranger Talking on The Phone

Describe when You Were in A Public Place and Overheard a Stranger Talking on The Phone. You Should Say:

The world is evolving at a frenetic pace, and a lot of new things keep changing day in and day out. What is brand new and state-of-the-art today is discarded the next.

Technology, such as the use of phones, has become a part of human existence, and people can talk with close relatives and loved ones over a long distance. I remember when I was on public transport last month, travelling to the capital city to buy some stuff.

There was this young adult in his late thirties. He was telling a relative about his money at the bank and some additional savings he had been making over the past few years. I was amazed upon hearing this since robbers could use this information to rob him.

🎙 Part 3 Questions: Describe when You Were in A Public Place and Overheard a Stranger Talking on The Phone

Q1. Some people like talking on phones on public transport. What do you think about this situation?

Answer: I believe talking on the phone on public transport is not ideal, as criminals can easily pick up some information about you and harm you later on if you happen to be in the same vehicle with them.

Q2. Why do you think some people talk loudly on public transport?

Answer: People talk loudly on public transport because there is usually noise. Passengers believe they need to speak louder to be heard on the phone.

Q3. Do you think people misbehave with strangers?

Answer: This depends on the location. In some places in the world, they welcome visitors. However, other destinations show visitors’ bad behaviour.

Q4. What can be done to people whose behaviour is terrible? Should you ignore it, or should they be told about it?

Answer: This is a very dicey question. Under normal circumstances, if someone is demonstrating negative behaviour, they must be informed about it. However, there are times when you disclose this to the person, and they see it as a nuisance. But, I believe whatever the case, awareness must be created.

Q5. Is it wrong to talk on the phone in public places?

Answer: It is not wrong, but people should be careful about the information they disclose while calling in public places.

Q6. What are the terrible effects of talking over the phone in public?

Answer: Robbers can pick up valuable information about you, which can be used against you. For example, you may be robbed of your valuables.

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Q7. Why do people always break the rules?

Answer: There are a plethora of reasons why people break the rules. First, some do it for the love of it. An example is a kleptomaniac who steals for fun. Others have developed maladaptive behaviours over time and resort to inappropriate means to solve problems, leading to chaos.

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