Hct Graduates by College. Write a Report for A University Lecturer Describing the Information Below

Hct Graduates by College. Write a Report for A University Lecturer Describing the Information Below (1)

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart gives details about HCT graduates by College.

It is immediately apparent that Dubai College had an outstanding number of graduates; on both sides of the men and women category while Ras Al Khaimah recorded the least graduates in both genders categories.

Dubai College had a significant number of graduates, with 547 being females and 426 being males. They were ranked first in both male and female categories. Contrasted to the above, Ras Al Khaimah’s College produced the least graduates and placed at the bottom of each category, with 102 and 178 being male and female, respectively.

As Abu Dhabi College produced 293 graduate women, the number of male counterparts who graduated was a bit fewer than the females; thus, 273. Al-Ain graduate men were 131, and almost double the number graduated as females, thus 218. As female college graduates from Sharjah numbered 186 and placed just above the last on the feminine log, their male counterparts were 3rd on the men’s category with 165, even though it’s way less than the ladies.

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