In Some Countries, People Are Forced to Retire when They Reach a Certain Age

In Some Countries, People Are Forced to Retire when They Reach a Certain Age

In Some Countries, People Are Forced to Retire when They Reach a Certain Age. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of This?

In many nations, retirement age is fixed, and people have to retire when they reach that age, even if they are willing to work. There are both pros and cons of a fixed retirement age. Pros include opportunities for the younger generation and retirees to pursue their hobbies. Cons include the loss of experience that the older generation has, which is lacking in the young, and older people might not have enough savings and may need to work for their survival. In the following essay, I will discuss these advantages and disadvantages in detail. 📈📉

To begin with, in most countries, retirement age is decided according to the profession, and it ranges between 56 to 62 years. This age was decided long ago when people’s life expectancy was shorter. However, now life expectancy has increased, yet the retirement age has not changed, forcing people to retire even though they are able to work. 👴👵
As every coin has two sides, fixed retirement age also has merits and demerits. The main merit of retiring is that after working hard for years, individuals can finally enjoy their “me time” after retirement. They can follow their hobbies and spend more time with family. Also, when older people retire, new vacancies are generated for young people who are more enthusiastic and technologically friendly than older employees. 🏖️🎨

However, the demerits of retiring include the young generation’s lack of patience to deal with difficult situations, while older employees know how to handle such situations due to their experience. If older people continue to work, they can pass their wisdom to new employees. Additionally, sometimes older people do not have enough savings when they retire, forcing them to do labor work for survival or move to old age homes to spend the rest of their lives. 💼💡

To conclude, in most nations, people have to retire at a certain age even if they are not willing to do so. The benefits of this are the time people can have for themselves and the opportunities for new generations. The drawbacks include a lack of experience among young employees and insufficient savings for old age, which forces many individuals to work at an older age for survival. 👵👶

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