In the Developed World, Average Life Expectancy Is Increasing

In the Developed World, Average Life Expectancy Is Increasing

In the Developed World, Average Life Expectancy Is Increasing. What Problems Will This Cause for Individuals and Society? Suggest Some Measures that Could Be Taken to Reduce the Impact of Ageing Populations.

In today’s era, people are living longer than before. Although this is considered a positive change, it creates difficulties for both society and old people, such as unemployment, lack of funds, emotional disturbance, etc. In the following essay, I will discuss problems caused by an increase in life expectancy and suggest some solutions to reduce these difficulties.

To begin with, because of progress in medical science and increased awareness among people, average life expectancy is higher compared to the past. Firstly, this creates a negative impact on society, creating more unemployed people and an increased burden on the government as more pension and healthcare funds are needed for elderly individuals. Secondly, it also affects individuals’ lives as sometimes they do not have enough funds to survive or they are living with illnesses. Also, elderly people need help with routine everyday tasks, and sometimes they feel lonely, too. For example, many old individuals opt to stay in old-age homes by themselves as they feel alone in their homes and move to old-age homes to find company.

However, every problem has a solution. Some ways can be tried to reduce the impact of ageing. The government can allow older adults who are capable and willing to contribute to society to work. This will reduce the financial burden on the government. Also, the government should encourage people to save for their retirement lives, and healthcare for the elderly must be free. At an individual level, families should make sure that old people do not feel lonely. Parents can show their children how to take care of their grandparents, as this will also help children to learn many life skills in a fun way from their grandparents.

To conclude, currently, the life expectancy of people has increased, which in turn has created a few problems for the government and old people. However, these problems can be overcome by increasing the retirement age and funding free healthcare for the elderly.

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