In the Future, It Will Become More Difficult to Live on Earth so More Money Should Be Spent Researching

In the Future, It Will Become More Difficult to Live on Earth so More Money Should Be Spent Researching (1)

In the future, it will become more difficult to live on Earth so more money should be spent researching how to live on other planets such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Living on Earth is the greatest endowment humanity has ever had. However, some people speculate that this planet cannot support human existence in some years to come, and as such, huge sums of money should be allocated to experimenting with other planetary bodies like Mars, which can support human life. This essay discusses why I entirely disagree with this notion.

To commence with, investing a large amount of cash into research with the aim of discovering new planets will present similar challenges we are being faced with today and some years to come. Admittedly, the world is in danger of perishing. Predicaments such as Global warming, unpredictable climate changes, flooding and so on are all issues we are facing, of which human activities are a great contributing factor. Therefore, what is the assurance that after searching for a place that supports human life, human activities would not gradually deplete it as time goes on? Obviously, human behaviour and other negative factors can cause havoc in this place as well.

Likewise, the government can utilize this huge amount of money to solve the current situation we are facing in a diversity of ways. Firstly, more greenery plants can be planted in our external environments to help in the reduction of excess carbon dioxide. Moreover, investing in improving types of machinery that are able to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide can be of much help in mitigating this problem. Lastly, environment regulatory bodies should be well-financed to help in proper operations and apply stringent rules in dealing with industrial companies who deposit a large amount of liquid waste into our natural surroundings. For instance, most European countries invest heavily in applying strict laws to govern industrial activities.

In conclusion, I reiterate my opinion that it is inappropriate for governmental authorities to waste money in financing space activities as this investment could be used for other relevant purposes.

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