Letter to A Friend Who Worked in Your Previous Company

Letter to A Friend Who Worked in Your Previous Company (6) (1)

Letter to a friend who worked in your previous company. You have moved to a new job in a new city.

Describe your city

Describe your job

Description of the arrangement for him to visit you.

Dear Christine,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am delighted to express that I have recently changed my job and relocated to Hyderabad.

As soon as I landed here, I got an opportunity to visit few marvelous places, and I have started falling in love with this city. In simple terms, it is a major cosmopolitan city where you can find people from different cultural backgrounds. The place I am currently living is just astonishing, with beautiful greenery, stupendous parks, and lakes.

Although I am much excited to visit more places, the role I am currently dealing with is too hectic. I have been working around the clock for quite a couple of days. However, I do not mean to complain because I have been immensely enjoying this challenging work environment. I hope to find a better future with my current role.

Since I can find a week off in the next month, I would like to invite you to come over so that we can visit the country’s most popular National Museum and explore the city together. Moreover, the flat I am currently living in is spacious, and you can accommodate me while you are here.

I hope you will make it possible.

Yours Sincerely,

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