Modern Societies Need Specialists in Certain Fields

Modern Societies Need Specialists in Certain Fields, but Not Others. Some People, Therefore, Think that Governments Should Pay University Fees for Students Who Study Subjects that Are Needed by Society. Those Who Choose to Study Less Relevant Subjects Should Not Receive Government Funding. Would the Advantages of Such an Educational Policy Outweigh the Disadvantages?

Nowadays, the modern world needs specialists in particular fields but not in unnecessary ones. A number of people believe that the government should provide scholarships for students who learn subjects that society needs rather than those who choose irrelevant subjects. In the conclusion paragraph, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this statement and give my opinion.

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This passage will shed some light on the positive aspects of scholarships provided by the government. To begin with, even though the government gives grants for less interesting subjects that are much more important for society, many students choose these subjects only because of the grant. For instance, in India, merely a few students opt for ‘agriculture’ as a subject. If the government gives grants or scholarships for this subject, many students will be influenced to select it. Secondly, many pupils belong to poor families and cannot afford high university fees. In such cases, government grants become angels for them, allowing poor students to learn subjects that are most important for our society. For example, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam belonged to a poor family and chose to study space and satellite studies because the government paid all university fees on his behalf. Thus, government education policies have more advantages.

On the other hand, this government policy has some demerits. Firstly, irrelevant subjects burden society’s annual budgets. For example, many students study and research history, a subject that studies the past and not future development. This is an unnecessary subject for modern society. As an epitome, as per research, 1 million rupees are spent on history instead of future development. Hence, this poses some disadvantages for society.

To conclude, there are both merits and demerits of educational scholarships. However, I believe that the government should pay university fees for subjects that are much needed by society, as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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