Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School

The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between 2000 and 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer of Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School

The tabular chart manifests the information regarding the ratio of scholars who opted for distinct secondary schools namely, specialist schools, grammar schools, voluntary controlled schools, and, lastly, community schools, from 2000 to 2009.

Overall, the spreadsheet vividly reveals that in the first tenure voluntary school was most eminent among students whereas its per centum was declined in the subsequent years. However, community schools became renowned among pupils.

As is presented in the table graph, the proportion of specialist school’s learners was more or less stable throughout the timescale. They were 12% in 2000 and one-tenth in 2009. In 2000, the percentile of scholars was nearly a quarter. After that, they consistently decreased and reached at the half until 2009. In case the of voluntary controlled schools and community schools, the lion’s share (52%) pupils were interested in the former and merely 12% went to the latter school, in 2000.

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Furthermore, in 2005, the proportion of learners who attend voluntary controlled school ware plummeted just as 38% and the community school’s pupil were inclined. Finally, community school becomes most eminent among students, and voluntary controlled school’s ratio of pupils was two-fold, in 2009.

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