Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Text Messages

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Text Messages

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Text Messages. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics About Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Text Messages

Question 1:- Do you like texting?

Yes, I prefer texting before calling, as nowadays, everyone has a very busy schedule 📱 .

Question 2:- How often do you write texts?

I get connected to my friends and relatives over texts and try to message 📨  them twice a week.

Question 3:- Why do you send texts?

I send texts to stay in touch with people, and I sometimes share addresses or emails via text because that way, the information stays saved in our phones 📲 .

Question 4:- Do you use any apps to write texts?

Yes, I routinely use WhatsApp for texting 💬 . I sometimes also prefer to send texts through Instagram and Facebook.

Question 5:- Do you text someone if they don’t answer your phone call?

Yes, I drop a small message saying, “Please call back,” or sometimes I just send the exact message 📝 for what I called.

Question 6:- Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

Definitely, because I believe that when you read 📚 something, it stays longer in your memory, and it also stays in your phone’s memory.

Question 7:- Do you always reply to a text message?

Mostly, I reply to every message from my friends or family members. However, I avoid answering unknown people’s messages 📩 .

Question 8:- In what situations is making a call better than writing a text?

I think it is better to wish birthdays and anniversaries or to congratulate someone on a call rather than a text. I also prefer to call ☎️ in emergencies.

Question 9:- Is texting better than calling people?

It depends on the person. For example, I prefer texting my friends or cousins, but when it comes to my parents, I prefer to call 📱 them.

Question 10:- Have you ever received a confusing text message?

Yes, sometimes people don’t like to say a clear “no,” so they send confusing messages like “let me see,” or sometimes advertising companies also send unclear messages ❓.

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Question 11:- Do you receive texts with ads?

Yes, I regularly receive such texts, but I don’t like them 🚫 .

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