The Chart Shows the Number of Mobile Phones and Landlines per 100 People in Selected Countries

The Chart Shows the Number of Mobile Phones and Landlines per 100 People in Selected Countries (2) (1)

The chart shows the number of mobile phones and landlines per 100 people in selected countries. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information given.

Sample answer of The Chart Shows the Number of Mobile Phones and Landlines per 100 People in Selected Countries

The given bar graph illustrates the information about the usage of mobile phones and landlines out of hundred people in seven different countries such as Canada, us, Germany, Denmark, UK, Sweden, Italy in numbers.

Overall, Sweden, Italy, the UK, and Denmark are four countries where mobile device utilization is high compared to the other remaining three countries. Also, Landline usage is more in Denmark compared to other countries.

In Italy and Sweden, the mobile device out of 100 people almost 90 people are using and countries like Germany, Denmark, the UK, the use of pocket computers are almost equal that is between 70 and 90. Moreover, The countries Canada and US have less number of phones per hundred people that is approximately 35 and 45 respectively.

On the other hand, Landlines are well used in the country Denmark with almost 80 persons and countries Canada, US, Sweden, Germany usage was almost equal that is above 60 persons. The countries that least used landlines are UK and Italy that 50 and 40 respectively.

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