The Graphs Below Show the Types of Music Albums Purchased by People in Britain According to S@x and Age

The Graphs Below Show the Types of Music Albums Purchased by People in Britain According to S@x and Age (2)

The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain according to s@x and age. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The table provides information on the percentage of people open Britain who buy three different kinds of music genres of POP Rock classical according to different age groups.

The most eye-catching figure is it the people who stand the age of 25 -34 are table interested in pop and rock with almost 33%.

Male seems more dominant in buying all three categories than a female, with approximately 8% higher purchased value in pop and rock music, whereas in classical choice both have a very low contrast percentage of 2%. The age group of 16 to 24, 25 to 34, and 35 to 44 have a following the similar pattern with the 33%,32% and 25% in pop and rock music purchasing. However, in classical only 15% people interested who stand in 24 to 34 age group, other two age groups having minimum interested in buying.

Lastly, 10% of people are attracted to buying pop music. This figure decreased in the rock genre by 8%. But the highest 20% aged people like classical music.

After analyzing, the middle age people love all these different types of music but old age people like to listen to classical music as compared to other two types which are more popular in youngster and Middle age people.

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