The Pie Charts Show the Main Reasons for Migration: AC Writing

The Pie Charts Show the Main Reasons for Migration:AC Writing

The Pie Charts Show the Main Reasons for Migration to And from The UK in 2007. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The pie charts given represent information regarding the main causes behind immigration and emigration in the UK in the year 2007.

Overall, it can be seen that in regard to a definite job, the number of people who left their country and those who settled in the UK was almost equal.

At a fleeting glance, it can be seen that in terms of immigrants in the UK, 12% of individuals settled in the UK while looking for work; however, this ratio was doubled in the case of emigrants, amounting to 22%. On the other side, people who accompanied 15% of immigrants and 2% less in the case of emigration.

With regard to a definite job, the number of people who settled in the UK and those who left their country was almost similar, at 29% and 30% respectively. In the field of “others,” the number of immigrants was 3% less in comparison to emigrants.

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