Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century

Wild Animals Have No Place in The 21st Century, so Protecting Them Is a Waste of Resources. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

Wild animals are as important for our ecosystem as plants and forests. However, due to deforestation, there are no proper places left for wild animals on this planet. Therefore, some believe that there is no benefit to protecting them, which requires lots of resources and money. I totally disagree with this statement. The government should take serious steps to save wild animals from extinction by not cutting forests.

The increasing population is the main concern nowadays, leading to the extinction of wild animals. As the population grows, there is a need for more houses, and the government cuts down trees and forests, which are homes to wild animals. That’s why the government creates parks and zoos so that wild animals can live there without any problems. It is essential to preserve the habitat of many animals. For instance, Jim Corbett is famous for having animals that are very rare nowadays.

These resources, like parks and zoos, also increase everyone’s knowledge. Many schools provide educational trips to these places for their students, allowing them to learn about different wild animals that are rare and very difficult to see otherwise. This increases their knowledge and allows them to learn about animals by seeing them firsthand rather than through books.

In conclusion, although the government spends a lot of money on these things related to wild animals, it is essential to do so because we are using their land by cutting trees. Therefore, we must shelter them so they can live peacefully on this planet. The money spent on them is important for everyone, not just for the animals.

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