You Have Missed Some Important Papers Accidentally on A Bus

You Have Missed Some Important Papers Accidentally on A Bus (1)

You have missed some important papers accidentally on a bus. Write a letter to the manager of the Taxi company. In your letter:

Dear Sir or Madam, 

I am writing to you to let you inform that, unfortunately, I lost my confidential file on your Orbit bus while travelling from Delhi to Chandigarh.

Let me tell you about my itinerary. I boarded the bus from the Delhi bus stand and had been allotted seat number 45. Where I had been seated, there was an upper berth to keep one’s belonging. The journey lasted for 4 hours and still my stoppage, I was alone on the whole bus.

Furthermore, the papers that I had kept on the upper berth were indispensable for me. The file contained my birth certificate, insurance and Income Tax papers, as well as my passport. I had been going to a Consultant for taking advice for migrating overseas as a permanent residence. So, he asked me to bring desired papers. Besides, these papers must be needed in the foreseeable future.

Would you be kind enough to identify that file, which had all this material? As I had the above mentioned that being alone in a bus, there could be could not be a threat of stealing them. It must be at the same place. Furthermore, if you had acquired, could you courier me to my given address? I shall bear the whole expense.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

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