Young People Who Commit Crimes Should Be Punished in The Same Way as Adults

Young People Who Commit Crimes Should Be Punished in The Same Way as Adults (4) (1)

Young people who commit crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Over the past few decades, there has been a drastic increase in the number of crimes committed by teenagers and adults. This essay does not agree with the view that youth should be sentenced in the same way as elder ones since the law should be made equal for all citizens in a country.

To begin with, the advent of the internet and social media has made a greater impact on the lives of juveniles and youth, which prompts them to commit crimes. As the public believes in the democracy of a country, punishment should be given equally to all sections of people regardless of age. Moreover, younger generations are more mature and capable of making the right decisions in their life; hence easing the penalty is not considered the right approach.

For instance, if a younger section of the convicted group is given some reduction in punishment considering their age, these groups of the younger community might take advantage of them in future, which prompts them to commit more crimes in future. Hence, young convicts should be punished in the same method as the older generation.

Moreover, the public should fear the government system of a country. For this to become a reality, all categories of a community need to be brought in front of the law in the same way. This approach to the government system is vital for people to live in a society of harmony and peace.

Having analysed the matter in some detail, stringent laws and punishment should be enacted on adults and youths of a society who leads their life in the world of crime. Age shouldn’t be given as a consideration for imparting strict punishments.

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