Describe a Part of a City or a Town You Enjoy Spending Time in

Describe a Part of a City or a Town You Enjoy Spending Time in

Describe a part of a City or a Town You Enjoy Spending Time in

Sample Answer of Describe a Part of a City or a Town You Enjoy Spending Time in

Well, m a travel freak person. I love traveling to different places. Such visits not only provide relief to me but also enhance my knowledge. Here I would like to describe about that part of my hometown which I love the most and also enjoy while spending time there. Actually, there are two different places. The first place is the shopping mall. There is a mall that is situated just 1 km away from my home. I usually visit there with my friends.

We do a lot of shopping and also watch movies. By Spending time at that place, I feel more zealous. Besides this, the second place is a garden that is situated away from my house whenever I feel sad I visit there because the fresh air and great fragrance from flowers vanish all my sadness. Moreover, the chirping of birds produces a very calm and peaceful environment.

Follow-ups Describe a Part of a City or a Town You Enjoy Spending Time in

Question 1 How do public places change in towns or cities?

Answer – public places are vital in every town and city. Nowadays, public places are changes because of the corona pandemic. People have to Maintain social distances.

Question 2 What public places do older adults usually go to?

Answer – choices of old persons are mostly. Gardens, religious temples, or they mostly try to visit in such places where they can easily find peace.

Question 3 Why do young people like to go to public places?

Answer – young people’s choices are different they usually go to discos, malls, restaurants and enjoy themselves a lot.

Question 4 Will more people move to cities in the future?

Answer –  yes, definitely it is an undeniable truth that most people will visit cities and settle down because of lots of facilities like schools, hospitals.

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