Many Working People Get Little or No Exercise With During the Working Day

Many Working People Get Little or No Exercise With During the Working Day

Many working people get little or no exercise during the working day or in their free time and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

IN today’s world, the majority of individuals spend almost no time for physical activities in their working hours and even in their leisure time, owing to it, they face medical hassles. This essay will discuss the reason behind this issue and how to manage it substantially.

To commence with, there are several reasons behind this, and the major ones are sedentary working lifestyle and getting tiredness after work. In other words, nowadays most of the companies have had work for employees to sit and work on the screen to 7 to 10 hours consistently, in addition after the work people feel lethargic, due to this, they never get the durability of workout in the whole day, and by the time some obtain overweight problems or some time might face health dilemmas. For example, a headline published in the Times of London revealed that some main causes that why individual people, who work in organizations, get health problems, such reasons are – less time for gym and running as well as feeling tired after work. Thus, getting no timing and feel tired after work is the major motive for this problem.

Shifting towards the things which can be done about this problem, there are some effective methods to tackle with the issue by which not only people get fit but also work more effectively as well, with the help of government and companies. To be more precise, unless people do not get inner motivation, nothing will change. So by an illustration of harsh graphic visualization on televisions and social media platforms by high authorities, on the result about what if people will not involve in physical activities soon what will happen with them. Maybe by showing such visuals, people find time for exercising and also if organizations give almost 1-2 hours to their employer in the middle of the break time and provide gym facilities in the workplace it will assist not only people but also a workplace where people spend their almost one-third time in a day in many ways. Hence, with the assistance of the authorities and management, this problem can be solved easily.

To conclude, having less time and have sitting lifestyle are the most important reasons behind the problem of health issues working people have, nevertheless with the help of company management and political party in the power this problem can be solved to a considerable extent.

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