The Chart Below Shows the Percentage of Female Members of Parliament in 5 European Countries

The Chart Below Shows the Percentage of Female Members of Parliament in 5 European Countries (1)

The chart below shows the percentage of female members of parliament in 5 European countries from 2000 to 2012. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and making comparisons where relevant.

The line graph illustrates the female members of parliament in European countries, by percentage, from 2000 to 2012.

Britain had almost 3% women employees in parliament in the year 2000, which increased to nearly 10% in 2004. After four years, there seems too drastic growth to 2o% and, in 2012 it becomes 18%. Besides, Belgium had 16% female members in 2000, which turned to 24% in 2004 and remained the same in 2012.

France had 25% women members in parliament in 2000, and these rose gradually to 32% in 2012. Italy had 26% women members during 2000, which continually grew to 34% female employers in the European parliament in 2000 from Germany; this number stopped at 37% in 2012.

Overall, by the end of 2012, the number of female members of parliament was the same in the UK and Belgium, as well as the highest number of members came from Italy.

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