Describe a Challenging Thing You Have Done

Describe a Challenging Thing You Have Done. You Should Say:

  • When You Did It?
  • Why You Did It?
  • How You Handled This Challenge?
  • And Explain Why You Thought It Was Challenging.

Last week, I reported back to my school dorm house and found that my electricity and heating systems had been disconnected by the recent storm that hit the area when schools were closed.

I could not wait for the fixing company to arrive due to their busy schedule, so I decided to take up the challenge of fixing it despite lacking experience in that field.

Firstly, I googled the necessary tools needed for wiring, like pliers and such, and then I decided to go through a few notes to understand the gravity of any accidents that may occur.

With the help of a simple manual and tools, I managed to bring back the heating and lighting, even though it took me too long to do it. To me, this challenge was tough because I did not have the necessary skills required. Despite successfully managing it, I cannot say it was easy.

Also, Read Describe an Occasion when You Spent Time with A Young Child

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Challenging Thing You Have Done

Question 1:- What challenges do young people face today?

Young people today face dozens of challenges, more than I can discuss here. The main challenge today is the lack of employment, primarily upon completing school.

Question 2:- How do (young people) handle challenging tasks?

Finding jobs after graduation is difficult. Governments are not the only ones who can handle this; young people find themselves finding their own jobs through self-employment, talents, and taking small loans to start a business, thus curbing the challenge.

Question 3:- Which do you think is better, to face these difficulties and challenges alone or to seek the help of others?

I would prefer working as a team because each member will come on board with their skills. When these skills are pooled together, the results will be great. It’s better than working alone.

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Question 4:- Do you think people need to be challenged?

Yes, of course, people need and must be challenged. This will make people think more critically and learn to cope with challenging situations in hard times.

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