Describe a Rule that You Don’t Like: Cue card

Describe a Rule that You Don’t Like. You Should Say:-

  • What It Is?
  • Why You Don’t Like It?
  • How Do Others Feel About the Rule?
  • And Explain Whether You’ve Followed the Rule?

Well, I believe rules are for the betterment of society, and it is necessary to follow the rules and regulations imposed by different administrations. However, there is one such rule that I do not like: the necessity to wear a mask as per the COVID-19 pandemic regulations 😷.

There are various rules imposed by government authorities, including wearing a mask, proper sanitization, and individual care. In regard to this, I don’t like wearing a mask because it irritates me a lot. I have observed that in summer, it is difficult to wear a mask when I have to go to public places.

It frustrates me because I can’t breathe properly, which causes suffocation. Being a sociable person, I find it difficult to interact with other people because of the lack of clarity of words inside the mask. I have also observed that many people find it difficult to talk with others and suffer from suffocation caused by wearing a mask.

However, despite all these things, I also feel that masks are necessary 😷. Nowadays, masks are used to some extent because of fewer cases of the coronavirus, but it is still essential to wear a mask.

There have been some cases noted by various districts, as recorded by doctors. A mask is a thing that can protect people from bacterial infections caused by face-to-face interactions, which result in the spread of the coronavirus 🦠.

As I also read in the newspapers, the fourth wave of the coronavirus is coming, which is infecting people day by day and increasing the ratio of patients in hospitals. To cap it all, this is a rule that I don’t like, but it also has positive aspects 🌍.

Also, Read Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store

Follow-Up Questions: Describe a Rule that You Don’t Like

Question 1:- Why do schools make rules?

School authorities make rules to inculcate a sense of discipline among students. Following rules teaches students how to adhere to regulations, instilling a sense of responsibility and helping them become better citizens in the future.

Question 2:- What’s the importance of obeying the law?

Obeying the law is essential for maintaining peace in society. Laws provide guidelines on how to live harmoniously, and fear of punishment deters people from committing crimes.

Question 3:- What can parents and teachers do to help children follow the rules?

Parents can teach children the importance of rules and guide them on what is good and bad for them. Teachers can organize seminars and activities to demonstrate the positive effects of following rules and regulations.

Question 4:- Is it a good thing to break the rules sometimes?

In some cases, it might be necessary to break the rules. For example, in an accident, individuals should help the injured by breaking traffic rules if needed to reach the hospital quickly.

Question 5:- Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken?

Some people lack respect for rules due to their mentality. For instance, some young individuals drive recklessly without considering the safety of others.

Question 6:- Do you think children must wear school uniforms?

Yes, wearing school uniforms is crucial as it gives children a sense of identity and equality among all students, regardless of their economic background.

Question 7:- Are the rules at school good or bad? Why?

Rules imposed by school authorities are generally good for children as they help maintain order and discipline.

Question 8:- What rules should children follow at home?

Children should follow various rules at home, such as washing hands, taking care of their health, talking respectfully to others, and respecting elders.

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Question 9:- How are people punished when parking at the wrong spot?

In many nations, people who park their vehicles in the wrong spots are fined heavily by the government, which serves as a deterrent to prevent such actions.

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