Describe Someone Older than You, Whom You Admire

Describe Someone Older than You, Whom You Admire. You Should Say:-

  • Who Is This Person?
  • How Do You Know This Person?
  • What Kind of Things Do You Like to Do Together?
  • Explain how You Feel About This Person/ Why You Admire Him/her?

Well, there are many people whom I admire and follow due to their good qualities. On this occasion, I would like to talk about my grandfather.

He is in his late 70s but is more energetic and strong than me. Since he is a retired army officer, he is a disciplined and well-organized person. Moreover, he has a routine that requires him to wake up early in the morning and exercise.

He is a very good learner and has great life experience. I have never seen him refuse anyone. Apart from that, about 2 months ago, he solved a conflict very smartly. In one vacant plot, some people aimed to build a temple, and some wanted to construct a mall.

So, my grandfather suggested developing a park because it was a more practical solution. All in all, due to all these qualities, I admire my grandfather.

Part 3 Questions: Describe Someone Older than You, Whom You Admire

Question 1:- What Can Young and Old People Learn from Each Other?

Younger people can learn many qualities from older ones, such as ethics and etiquette. However, older people can learn how to use contemporary technology from younger ones.

Question 2:- Has Old People’s Life Quality Improved when Compared to The Past?

Undoubtedly, the life of older adults has become easier owing to technology. For example, with the availability of contemporary healthcare facilities and many diet options, they can easily get fat and cholesterol-free diets.

Question 3:- Why Is There a Generation Gap Between the Young and The Old?

This is due to technology, and younger people are busier at work.

Question 4:- What Do Old People Usually Do in Their Life?

Nowadays, young people generally have aims in their lives, so they work hard to achieve them. Older people spend their time with their grandchildren and at temples. People travel to relax.

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