Describe Something or Someone that Made a Lot of Noise

Describe Something or Someone that Made a Lot of Noise. You Should Say:

  • Who or What Made the Noise?
  • What Was the Noise Like?
  • What Did You Do When You Heard the Noise?
  • And how Do You Feel About It?

Noise pollution is becoming a cause for concern. You can hear a lot of noise at marriage functions, clubs during parties, or at factories with a lot of machinery operating. πŸ­πŸ”Š I remember when we moved to our new house a year ago, and I was having exams.

I couldn’t concentrate due to two reasons. The first reason was the furniture work going on at my neighbor’s place, and the second was the Ganesh festival. During the day, the furniture work made so much noise that I couldn’t concentrate on my studies or take a nap.

At night, bhajans were played on loudspeakers because of the festival. I got so frustrated but couldn’t do anything as my neighbor needed the furniture completed before they shifted. My friend suggested studying at the library, which I did, but it wasn’t as comfortable as studying at home. πŸ“šπŸ”¨

Also, ReadΒ Describe an Occasion when You Waited a Long Time for A Nice Thing

Part 3: Describe Something or Someone that Made a Lot of Noise

Question 1:- Where can people hear a lot of noise?

People can hear a lot of noise at factory places where heavy machinery operates, at traffic jams where people continuously honk, or at clubs and party plots where marriage functions or other social gatherings take place. πŸš¦πŸŽ‰

Question 2:- How does listening to loud music with headphones affect people?

When people listen to very loud music with headphones, they become oblivious to their surroundings and might end up in accidents. This is not only dangerous for them but also harmful to others who are around them. 🎧⚠️

Question 3:- How can noise pollution be reduced?

Firstly, reducing traffic jams is essential. Secondly, people must be educated about the noise pollution they cause while honking continuously. Moreover, people should be requested to turn off their vehicles while waiting in jams. The government can also introduce penalties for honking just for fun or to irritate others. πŸš—πŸš«

Question 4:- Will the world be noisier in the future if current behaviours continue?

Yes, suppose people continue to behave as they do now, such as honking in jams near schools or hospitals, allowing more clubs to operate, and using more noisy vehicles like bullet bikes or loud cars. In that case, the world will definitely be noisier in the future. πŸ”ŠπŸŒ

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