Describe Something You Received for Free

Describe Something You Received for Free

  • What It Was?
  • If It Was Useful?
  • When Do You Get It?
  • What Did You Do with It?

Well, it was during my college days when we participated in a hackathon. The hackathon was a competition among all the colleges in our city. The basic goal was to prepare an app within 20 hours in one place. Our team arrived at 10:00 a.m., and the competition started at noon.

We set up our workspace to build a website. Many other students from different colleges were also there, looking very professional. We started coding at around 2:00 p.m., and the deadline was at 6:00 p.m.

Initially, we were working slowly, but halfway through, we realized we were behind, so we sped up our process and finished our project half an hour earlier than others. We were very happy about it and started the quality assurance process to ensure there were no bugs.

The project theme was depression. After submitting the project, we waited for the results, which came out in our favour. We won many gifts, and each team member received a Dell laptop, which was very costly.

I still have this laptop and love it very much because it has helped me in many ways. I learned different things about it and used it as my personal computer. Whenever I look at this laptop, I feel nostalgic and remember the moment of winning the competition.

Part 3: Describe Something You Received for Free

Question 1:- Why should companies react quickly when customers have difficulties?

Companies want more sales, and sales come from customers. Whenever customers have queries or difficulties with a product, companies should quickly address them to ensure a smooth experience for the customer and better growth in sales.

Question 2:- What kind of jobs involve coping with the public?

Many jobs involve interacting with the public, and one of the most challenging is marketing. It includes various interactions with people, requiring the marketer to be accurate and kind to everyone.

Question 3:- As a customer, what kinds of services would you expect to receive from a company?

As a consumer, I always prefer purchasing from a reputable company that provides genuine service throughout the warranty period. Additionally, I expect a prompt response from the company’s team.

Question 4:- What do you think of the relationship between companies and consumers?

I believe the relationship between companies and consumers is like a bridge with pillars. Both have their values, and neither is useful if only one side is stable.

Question 5:- Do you think the value of the gift is different when you purchase something and when you receive something for free?

Yes, receiving a gift from someone can have different values, and we always remember the person whenever we look at that product. In contrast, if we purchase something, it doesn’t carry the same sentimental value.

Question 6:- Do you think people value items more when they purchase them than if they receive them as a gift?

Well, I don’t think so. Receiving a gift from someone special brings responsibilities. We keep the gift in a special place to avoid damage, whereas purchased items may not hold the same emotional value.

Question 7:- What kind of public services should the government offer for free?

In my opinion, the government should provide free water and electricity to the people. Moreover, education should be a top priority on this list.

Question 8:- Is public transport important? How could it be improved?

Public transportation is very important as it helps reduce global warming and offers fuel savings. However, maintaining it is a big challenge for the government, so people must treat it as their private vehicle.

Question 9:- How important is free public education?

Many parents cannot afford to provide education to their children, so free education can bring many benefits.

Question 10:- What other public services are needed in your country?

I would like to see fast telecommunication and banking services funded by the government to balance the private sector.

Question 11:- Do people always feel happy when receiving gifts?

Yes, they do. Scientists have proven that receiving a gift releases beneficial effects on our bodies.

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Question 12:- Why do companies want to give gifts to people?

Companies use free products as a way to advertise themselves. Giving gifts helps them promote their brand effectively.

Question 13:- What do private companies usually donate?

Private companies usually donate many things, including their products, free of cost to needy people. Sometimes, they offer food to people living in backward areas.

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