Families Who Send Their Children to Private Schools Should Not Be Required

Families Who Send Their Children to Private Schools Should Not Be Required to Pay Taxes that Support the State Education System. To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement?

Education is an essential part of everyone’s life. Even though many people believe that private schools should pay taxes, some people think education should not have any taxes to support the state education system. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this view and give my opinion in the conclusion.

This passage will shed some light on why private schools should not be required to pay taxes. If private schools do not pay taxes, then schools can reduce their fees, and more and more people can provide good education for their offspring. Moreover, all people have the right to receive a good education in their childhood. For instance, families may not provide good education due to high school fees and other reasons. So, if education trusts do not pay taxes and reduce their fees, this action will encourage parents to send their children to good schools for a good education. Hence, there are reasons why private schools should not be required to pay taxes to support education.

However, this situation also has some demerits. To begin with, if all private sector schools do not pay taxes, it could reduce economic growth in the country. In addition, if private schools do not pay taxes, then all parents and their children will prefer private schools, and government schools will lose their pupils. For example, in Canada, 20% of GDP belongs to the education sector. If the government does not take taxes from education trusts, it will reduce the overall economic growth of the nation. Despite the short-term economic impact, in the long term, educated individuals contribute directly to the nation’s GDP through their jobs.

To sum up, while making education tax-free has its merits, it also has its demerits. I strongly agree that private schools should not be required to pay taxes to support the state education system.

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