It Is Not Necessary to Travel to Other Places to Learn About Other Cultures

It Is Not Necessary to Travel to Other Places to Learn About Other Cultures of Other People. We Can Learn Just as Much from Books, Films, and The Internet. Do You Agree or Disagree?

It goes without saying that technologies and several resources help bring the world closer together; there are numerous alternatives to engage with different cultures of a nation without physically travelling. There are few possibilities that are bosom with the ground reality of different nations through the internet, movies, and books without any effort. However, I endorse the statement to some extent. I have some solid grounds to defend my opinion, which I would like to explicate at length in the paragraphs to come.

To begin with, the help of innovations has reached where no human has reached before, hooked up to apps offering an unequalled exposure to the world in which people live. In other words, ample sophisticated inventions blur the boundaries between countries and enable one to find information about nations located thousands of miles away with just one click. For instance, individuals keen to know about the Japanese lifestyle can only go to Google’s search engine and find an abundance of sites related to the Japanese lifestyle. Books and movies are the major prominent sources that provide avenues for learning about different cultures.

On the other hand, there is an immense of hidden cultures behind the world, which individuals are unable to recognise through the internet and books because of some restrictions imposed by the management of nations, so learning about a culture from secondary sources and physical experience is a better option for commuters, which they should observe the ground realities of the specific lifestyle of countries, otherwise without travelling which can never be gained information about the outer world. For example, many tourists like to visit India for the history of that nation and claim that they understand better rather than books and films. Another reason is that travelling and roaming to learn about different cultures give people countless opportunities to make fond memories and surpass their knowledge about international lifestyles.

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To put it in a nutshell, I pen saying that travel guidebooks, movies and sorts of assets are feasible solutions for those individuals who are unable to move around the world and have financial problems in order to decide some of the things and places which they wish for a visit there. Therefore, manual computers have numerous of satisfaction while seeing the whole world with their naked eye.

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