Studying Business or Science-Related Subjects at The University

Studying Business or Science-Related Subjects at The University Level Is More Important than Arts-Related Courses Like Literature. Do You Agree or Disagree?

Studying arts-related courses is less important in certain societies. These people believe that pursuing business or science-related courses at the tertiary level is of greater benefit than art courses like literature. This essay will argue why studying science or business is entirely necessary at the university despite some shortcomings.

Some people have an interest in learning arts-related courses like literature at the university level to fulfill their dreams. They see opportunities like self-creativity and self-expression that come with majoring in literature. This also increases their enjoyment when their goal is met. For instance, research conducted some years ago states that students who study arts-related subjects, specifically literature, have a greater chance of becoming journalists. They do it better because of the experience gained since literature involves a lot of reading and always looking for ideas to support a point. To conclude, arts subjects should also be considered as important as others.

However, science and business play an important role in our daily lives. They have made life easier and very comfortable. Studying science-related courses increases our knowledge about the happenings of the world. For example, a medical doctor studies science to acquire knowledge of how the human body operates. Every country needs economists, and to become one, one has to study business. Overall, science and business are the backbone of every developed country.

This essay argued that those who study arts-related subjects have their benefits like other courses, but some have better opportunities. In my opinion, pursuing science is an absolute imperative that is entirely justified despite the small and occasional risks involved.

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