The Graph Shows the Hours Spent on Different Study Methods

The Graph Shows the Hours Spent on Different Study Methods During a Two-Year Course. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The graph shows the hours spent on different study methods during a two-year course.The bar graph shows information about the hours spent on different study methods over a two-year program.

Attending lectures and classes is at the top in the first semester of the first year of the course. However, after an increase of around 1 hour in the second semester of the first year to around 8 hours, it starts to fall to about 6 hours in the first semester of the second year and finally stops at around 5 hours in the last semester of the second year.

The library shows many fluctuations throughout the course. It starts at around 4 hours and, after reaching the lowest point of 3 hours in the second semester of the first year, it begins to rise, reaching the highest point of 8 hours in the first semester of the second year.

Then it falls again to 6 hours in the last year of the course. The use of the Internet is at the top of the table. It starts at around 3 hours in the first semester and continues to rise, breaking at the highest point of all at around 11 hours in the last semester.

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