The Illustrations Show How Chocolate Is Produced

The Illustrations Show How Chocolate Is Produced. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The illustrations show how chocolate is produced.The flow chart illustrates the process of chocolate production.

Overall, it is clear that the preparation of chocolate goes through ten stages. This starts from the three countries where cocoa is grown and ends with the final stage of liquid chocolate production.

Cocoa is grown in three countries: South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The ripe red cocoa pods are harvested and then cut into two to remove the white cocoa beans. All the beans are put together into one container and allowed to ferment.

They are then spread on a mat and kept under the sun for some days until they are well-dried. The dry beans are put into large sacks and sealed. The bags of cocoa are packed and transported.

This can be done by train or lorry. The packed sacks are taken straight to the factory for processing. When they get there, the beans are roasted under timed heat. From there, the beans are crushed to remove the outer shell. The inner part is then pressed with a machine to produce the final product: liquid chocolate.

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