These Days More Fathers Stay at Home and Take Care of Their Children

These Days More Fathers Stay at Home and Take Care of Their Children While Mothers Go out To Work. What Could Be the Reasons for This? Do You Think It Is a Positive or Negative Development?

Undoubtedly, in some areas, the trend of caring for children has changed, as nowadays, more fathers stay at home and take care of their children than mothers in the field of work. However, I believe that the main reason behind this is the independence of women and the equal status of both genders. According to my point of view, it is a negative development.

To begin with, there are numerous causes why fathers stay at home for their young ones. The first and foremost reason is that in today’s world, there is a right for every man and woman to receive equal education, and their status is also similar. It is due to the fact that women now have independence and the ability to work anywhere, which was not possible in the past years as women were considered stay-at-home caretakers without education. However, nowadays, when parents conceive a baby, they decide, based on their salaries, which one will take care of the child. For example, it has been recorded that due to the creative nature of minds and higher education levels, most women now receive higher wages compared to men.

However, this is a negative development because of such facts. Firstly, according to past years, women took care of children and could properly raise a child because women have a more sensitive and caring nature compared to men. This can be exemplified by the fact that when the UK government conducted a survey, they found that 80% of male fathers were unable to raise their children properly because of their more arrogant behaviour. On the other side, females were perfect for caring for children.

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After evaluating the different aspects of the situation, it can be stated that due to higher salaries, women work outside the home, and men take care of children. Thus, it’s a negative development because no one can take care of a child as mothers do. 👶🏽👨‍👩‍👦

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