Describe a Time When You Had to Lend Something to a Person You Know

Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know. ( Digital camera )

You should say

  • What you lent
  • When it happened
  • Why he/she asked to borrow the item.
  • Explain how you felt about this.
  • Would you let him borrow it again in future

Sample 1 Describe a Time When You Had to Lend Something to a Person You Know

During the summer of last year, I had an opportunity to lend my digital camera to a close friend of mine, Sarah. It was a time when we were embarking on a memorable road trip together, exploring picturesque locations and creating everlasting memories. As the designated photographer, I carried my trusted digital camera to capture the stunning landscapes and candid moments.

The incident occurred on a sunny afternoon when we were admiring the beauty of a tranquil lake. Sarah, who has a keen interest in photography, was mesmerized by the scenic surroundings and expressed her desire to capture some shots herself. Unfortunately, she had left her camera at home, and the opportunity to capture such breathtaking scenes was slipping away.

Understanding her enthusiasm and knowing her responsible nature, I willingly offered to lend her my digital camera. I believed that she would take good care of it and make the most of this rare opportunity. I felt a sense of satisfaction in being able to contribute to her passion and allow her to express her creativity through photography.

Regarding my feelings, I must admit that a slight twinge of anxiety crept in as I handed over my cherished camera. I worried about the possibility of accidental damage or misplacement, but I reminded myself to trust Sarah’s careful nature and her respect for other people’s belongings. In the end, I managed to overcome my concerns and focus on the positive impact this gesture could have on our friendship.

Reflecting on the experience, I would gladly lend my digital camera to Sarah again in the future. Not only did she return it in the same pristine condition, but she also delighted us with a collection of breathtaking photographs from the trip. Seeing her happiness and witnessing the beautiful moments she captured reinforced my belief in lending and sharing to foster stronger bonds with the people we care about.

In conclusion, the incident of lending my digital camera to Sarah during our memorable road trip was a decision that I cherish. It allowed her to explore her passion for photography while strengthening our friendship. I would gladly lend it to her again, knowing that she would appreciate and respect the opportunity.

Follow ups of Describe a Time When You Had to Lend Something to a Person You Know

Question 1 What do you think of people who are posting about their personal life on social media?

Answer – In today’s digital age, people’s inclination towards sharing their personal lives on social media platforms is a common phenomenon. While some may argue that it fosters a sense of connection and enables self-expression, others view it as an invasion of privacy or a means of seeking validation. Personally, I believe that individuals should exercise caution and strike a balance between sharing and preserving their personal privacy, ensuring that their online presence reflects their authentic selves.

Question 2 How do you feel about sharing research documents online?

Answer – Sharing research documents online can have both positive and negative implications. On one hand, it promotes collaboration, facilitates knowledge exchange, and accelerates the progress of scientific endeavors. On the other hand, it raises concerns regarding plagiarism, copyright infringement, and the potential misuse of valuable research. Personally, I believe that sharing research documents online can be beneficial if done responsibly, with proper attribution, and within the boundaries of ethical guidelines, ensuring that intellectual property rights are respected.

Question 3 Do you think children should share their things with each other?

Answer – In my opinion, encouraging children to share their belongings with each other is important for their social and emotional development. Sharing fosters empathy, cooperation, and a sense of community among children. It teaches them valuable life skills such as generosity and compromise. By sharing, children learn to consider the needs and feelings of others, promoting harmonious relationships and a positive sense of belonging within their peer group.

Question 4 Why aren’t children willing to share their things, such as toys?

Answer – There are several reasons why children may be unwilling to share their belongings, such as toys. Firstly, children at a young age may have a strong sense of ownership and find it difficult to part with their possessions. Secondly, they might fear that their toys will be damaged or taken away permanently. Additionally, limited exposure to sharing experiences or a lack of understanding about the benefits of sharing can contribute to their reluctance. Finally, children may also feel a sense of insecurity or a need to establish their personal boundaries, leading them to be less inclined to share their things.

Question 5 How can parents teach their children about sharing?

Answer – Parents can play a crucial role in teaching children about sharing. They can start by setting a positive example, demonstrating sharing behaviors themselves. Encouraging cooperative play and facilitating opportunities for sharing among siblings or playmates can also promote this value. Engaging in open conversations about the importance of sharing, emphasizing empathy and consideration for others’ feelings, and praising instances of sharing can reinforce the behavior. Additionally, parents can introduce activities that involve sharing, such as collaborative projects or sharing resources, to cultivate a mindset of generosity and communal responsibility in their children.

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