In Some Countries, People Who Are Unemployed Receive a Sum of Money

In Some Countries, People Who Are Unemployed Receive a Sum of Money Each Week in The Form of A Benefit. While Some Support This, Other People Believe that This Money Should Not Be Given. Discuss Both Points of View and Give Your Own Point of View.

There are split opinions about unemployment salary as a benefit. One group of people believes that money should be given to those who are not able to get a job, while the other group is against it. Both views will be discussed in the following passage.

While examining the former view, helping unemployed people can be beneficial in many terms. One of them is meeting their basic needs. Another reason is the country’s GDP. Many governments provide a fixed salary as help to those without a job as compensation. This helps them balance their country’s GDP. For example, in Zimbabwe, back in 1998, almost 40% of employees lost their jobs due to a share market crash. As a result, people were unable to purchase their daily needs, which affected Zimbabwe’s GDP significantly.

On the other hand, some groups of people are against it. They believe that it can lead to laziness. To illustrate, if people receive money without effort, they will not strive to earn money through hard work. They will always depend on the government. Moreover, people will never learn the value of money if they receive it easily. They might use it irresponsibly, such as in gambling and poker games, leading to negative consequences.

To conclude, I support the former view. Due to competition, many unskilled workers are not getting jobs, and unemployment is increasing day by day. Providing them with financial support is very beneficial.

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