In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing

In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

🍔 The Average Weight of People Is Continuously Going Up While Their Levels of Good Health and Proper Fitness Are Drastically Decreasing as Time Goes By. In this Essay, We Are Going to Explore the Leading Causes of These Phenomena and Solutions to Resolve Them.

There are two significant reasons why many people increase their weight while experiencing poor health and fitness. The first reason is poor eating habits. People have shifted from eating naturally growing food like fruits to vastly prefer junk and factory-processed food like french fries and sugary foods.

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These junk foods force the body to grow abnormally and uncontrollably, outdoing its normal metabolism. In addition to this, junk eaters do not exercise frequently. Hence, they find themselves in a state where their bodies keep growing huge while experiencing poor health and improper fitness. To resolve these poor eating habits, people should see a health nutritionist to get more educated on this matter and regularly visit the gym for regular exercise.

Another leading cause of this problem is stress. Stress levels play a huge role in people’s health and fitness. Stresses are of different types and are caused by various reasons, depending on the individual. For example, one can be stressed because they lost a highly valued property. This will cause them stress. However, even though people are experiencing a lot of different stresses that cause them to be overweight, they should always see a guidance and counseling expert to advise them on the proper way to beat stress and overcome the problem.

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In conclusion, apart from stress and poor eating habits, the average weight of people, despite increasing immensely, should not be seen as a disease but rather as a problem that can be resolved. I encourage people to shift from sugary foods and junk to real, naturally occurring food and daily body exercise. This way, the problem would be resolved once and for all.

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