Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Barbecue

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Barbecue. These Are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on General Topics About Your Life. Your Answers Will Be from Your Life and Experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions with Answers: Barbecue

Question 1:- Do Indian people like barbecue

Answer 1:- Yes, Indian people enjoy barbecues at restaurants.

Answer 2:- 🍲 Yes, the majority of people like to eat food that is made by barbecue because it gives a smoky taste.

Question 2:- What kind of food do you like to eat for barbeque?

Answer 1:- I’m a vegetarian, so I prefer paneer and vegetables such as capsicum, tomato, onions, and broccoli.

Answer 2:- 🌶️ I like pieces of paneer that are dipped in spices with some vegetables.

Question 3:- Would you like to have a barbeque with your family or your friends?

Answer 1:- My family is not a barbecue fan, so I mostly have it with my friends.

Answer 2:- 👫 I prefer barbecue with both my friends as well as family because I enjoy having dinner with them.

Question 4:- Did you have barbeque when you were a child?

Answer 1:- No, as I said earlier, my family is not a fan, so I didn’t have it when I was a child. I started eating it in college with my friends.

Answer 2:- 👶 When I was a kid, I was not aware of barbecue, so I did not try any barbecue dishes in my childhood.

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