Some People Participate in Extreme and Dangerous Sports: Writing Task 2

Some people participate in extreme and dangerous sports. What can be done to avoid danger? How could these sports be made safer?

Sporting activities have become very popular among the public, and as each day passes, people are being awarded for their skilful displays. People are free to participate in any discipline of sports being, whether it is safe or dangerous. Nonetheless, the taste for risky sports has been on the rise, and in the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss the actions needed to avert the risk and ways of making such wild sports injuries free.

To begin with, public education can be a tool to prevent people from playing dangerous sports. To expatiate, many people are not fully aware of the threats risky sports contains and hence when they are educated about it, and it may help deter them from involving in it. Also, punishment can be used to lure people into the avoidance of highly injurious threatening sporting activities. Safety measures can be put in place, and abusers of it can be punished accordingly to serve as a precautionary measure to others. For instance, Hungarians were dying as a result of wild sports in 2013(almost 20 death cases every month), and when the government restricted such activities and made laws to govern it, the death toll reduced drastically to 1 per year. Citizens feared being fined or sentenced depending on the rule violated.

However, since some individuals have a keen interest in highly dangerous sporting activities, I believe the following guidelines may help make them safer for lovers of the game. First, such sports should be restricted to certain localities so that the government can monitor to be able to hire good coaches and instructors who can help such sportsmen from injuring themselves with guidelines to follow. Again, safety measures should be strengthened at such restrictive areas allocated for the extreme and dangerous sporting events so that just in case an emergency occurs, there will be an instant remedy. For example, at the centre of fire drill expo and wood bumps in the USA precisely New York designed for wildfire gaming, the ambulance and fire service, burns specialist, and a couple of specialized agencies have their based there and at the least occurrence of any fatal accident or disaster, they respond with immediate effect.

To recapitulate, as many individuals are developing an interest in high and dangerous sports, public education and punishment can be used to prevent too many people from participating. The less majority who still might want to engage in it should have it as user-friendly and injury-free. Therefore, good coaches and trainers can be deployed to such Sporting camps as well as strengthen the safety measures.

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