Talk About A Song Or A Poem About The History Of Your Country

Talk about a song or a poem about the history of your country. You should say

  • When you heard it?
  • Where you heard it?
  • How do you feel about it?

Sample 1 Talk About A Song Or A Poem About The History Of Your Country

I would like to talk about a poem that beautifully portrays the history of my country, India. The poem is called “Where the Mind is Without Fear” by Rabindranath Tagore, who was a renowned poet and writer in India.

I first heard this poem in my high school English class, and it immediately struck a chord with me. The poem beautifully captures the essence of India’s struggle for independence and the dream of a new India. The poem talks about the importance of having a free mind, where there is no fear or prejudice. The poet dreams of a country where people are free to think, express, and act without any fear of oppression.

The poem is not only relevant to India’s history but also to the world today. In today’s world, where there is so much fear, hatred, and intolerance, the message of the poem is more important than ever. The poem inspires me to strive for a world where people can live without fear, discrimination, and injustice.

Whenever I hear this poem, it fills me with a sense of pride and hope for my country. It reminds me of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters who fought tirelessly for our independence. It also reminds me of the responsibility we have as citizens of India to uphold the values of democracy, secularism, and equality.

In conclusion, “Where the Mind is Without Fear” is a powerful poem that beautifully captures the spirit of India’s struggle for independence and the dream of a new India. It inspires me to work towards creating a world where everyone can live without fear, prejudice, and injustice.

Sample 2 Talk About A Song Or A Poem About The History Of Your Country

I would like to share my thoughts on a song that tells the story of my country’s history. The song I’m referring to is “Vande Mataram,” which means “I bow to thee, Mother” in Sanskrit. It’s a patriotic song that has a special place in the hearts of every Indian.

I first heard the song during my childhood days. I was in a school assembly, and the entire school was singing the song in unison. The melody of the song was so captivating that it stayed with me long after the assembly was over. The song’s lyrics were written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, a famous Bengali writer, in the late 19th century. The song is considered one of the most iconic patriotic songs in India’s history.

The song has been sung in many different versions by various artists. The song’s original version was in Bengali, but it has been translated into many different Indian languages. The song is often played at national events, and it’s a common practice to sing it on Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations.

Whenever I hear “Vande Mataram,” it fills me with a sense of pride and love for my country. The song’s lyrics are powerful, and they describe the beauty of India’s land and the people who call it their home. The song inspires me to work towards the betterment of my country and to contribute to its growth and development.

In conclusion, “Vande Mataram” is a song that captures the essence of India’s rich culture and history. It’s a song that inspires every Indian to love their country and work towards its progress. The song’s melody and lyrics have a special place in the hearts of every Indian, and it continues to inspire generations of Indians even today.

Follow ups of Talk About A Song Or A Poem About The History Of Your Country

Question 1 Are you good at memorizing things?

Answer – I would like to express my thoughts on my ability to memorize things. Personally, I believe that I have a reasonably good memory when it comes to retaining information. However, I also believe that it’s important to understand the information and not just memorize it. It’s crucial to retain information, but it’s equally important to comprehend and apply it in real-life situations.

Question 2 Do you think children like the rhythm of songs or poems? Why?

Answer – I believe that children love the rhythm of songs and poems. The rhythm provides a structured and predictable pattern that children can easily follow and enjoy. It also helps children to develop their language skills by exposing them to new words and sounds. The repetition in songs and poems aids in memorization and helps children to learn and remember information better. Overall, rhythm plays a significant role in making songs and poems enjoyable for children and helps in their language development.

Question 3 Do you think it is easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults? Why?

Answer –  I believe that children have an easier time learning songs and poems than adults. Children have a natural ability to absorb information and learn through play and exploration. They are also more open-minded and curious, which makes them receptive to new ideas and concepts. In contrast, adults tend to have fixed ideas and preconceptions, which can make it more difficult for them to learn new things. Furthermore, children have a better memory and can retain information more easily than adults. Overall, children’s natural curiosity, openness, and better memory make it easier for them to learn songs and poems than adults.

Question 4 What can people learn from songs or poems?

Answer – I believe that people can learn a lot from songs or poems. Songs and poems are a form of expression that communicates powerful messages and emotions. They can help people understand different perspectives and experiences, providing insights into the world around them. Songs and poems can also help people develop their language skills, improving vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Additionally, they can inspire people to take action and make positive changes in their lives and society. Overall, songs and poems can be a valuable source of learning and inspiration for people of all ages.

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