Teenagers Are Spending an Increasing Amount of Time on The Internet

Teenagers Are Spending an Increasing Amount of Time on The Internet, and This Is Having a Negative Effect on Their Social Skills. Do You Agree or Disagree?

It is widely accepted that the use of the internet has brought some disadvantages to human society, especially for teenagers, who use the internet more than any other group. Due to this, their social skills and bonding are significantly affected. They spend their whole time on mobile phones, connected through social apps instead of meeting people in real life. I agree with this statement, and more will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

The first reason I shall put forward is social gatherings. Nowadays, teenagers use social apps excessively for their entertainment and communication purposes. However, in reality, they are forgetting essential communication skills. They always prefer to talk to others via chat, feeling less confident when speaking face-to-face in the real world. Moreover, outdoor activities are becoming rare. Teenagers are playing virtual games instead of outdoor games, which affects their physical health and coordination with group members.

Furthermore, overusing gadgets has a negative impact on their eyes, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. For example, teenagers spend their time on video games and scrolling through social media apps, often forgetting about their responsibilities and study pressures. As a result, they waste their precious time on the internet instead of gaining valuable knowledge that could help them in the future.

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To conclude, the internet has brought advantages and essential knowledge to human society, but its overuse and the resulting waste of time have become detrimental, especially in teenagers’ lives. Their social skills are not developing adequately due to this.

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