The Diagram Below Shows how Coffee Is Produced and Prepared for Sale

The Diagram Below Shows how Coffee Is Produced and Prepared for Sale in Supermarkets and Shops. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features, and Make Comparisons Where Relevant.

The diagram below shows how coffee is produced and prepared for sale in super market and shops. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram explains the process of making a coffee mixture from coffee beans.

Overall, it is immediately apparent from the chart that there are a total of 11 stages in the process, beginning with picking the coffee beans and culminating in packing the mixture into jars.

To begin, the coffee bean is harvested from the arabica tree; once collected and following a dry process, they are laid on a large field so they can dry under the sun. Next, they are placed into a large chamber for the purpose of roasting through the bottom flame, and then they are roasted at a high temperature, after which the beans are put in an instant cooling box. Therefore, grind the cold beans and mixed with hot water.

The next process is straining the mixture, and all the droplets of the water rapidly fall from the coffee mixture. In the subsequent stage, the mixture is again stored in a cooling vessel for freezing a mixture. After the mixture is ground with frozen liquid, following the vacuum process, all the raw materials are put in a vacuum chamber, and all the water gets out from the top during the process. In the final stage, all the ready coffee mixture is packed into the various jars with the help of a nozzle and labelled for use.

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