The Process Shows Diamonds Moving from The Mine to The Retailer

The Process Shows Diamonds Moving from The Mine to The Retailer. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The process shows diamonds moving from the mine to the retailer.The diagram below shows the man-made process of making diamonds from mined coal. There are two types of diamonds available. The whole process takes about seventeen steps, from manufacturing to retail.

Firstly, rough diamonds are mined from the earth and sent for sorting to check their quality. After sorting, they are labelled into two categories: low-grade diamonds and high-grade diamonds. Low-grade diamonds are made for industrial use. Before sending them to retailers, they are processed through various cuts to make them look more attractive, then sent for final price auction, and finally to their destination.

High-grade diamonds are used for making cosmetic ornaments. Firstly, their price is checked, and then they proceed to computer testing to determine the best cut. After analysis, they are sent for cutting. The computer test provides accuracy so quality analysts can decide whether to cut by machines or by hand.

After processing, they come for polishing to give a more beautiful look, and then they are rated according to their appearance. Many times, they are sent for polishing again if the rating is not perfect. Finally, they are sent to retailers.

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