Describe A Difficult Decision That You Once Made

Describe a difficult decision that you once made. 

You should say

  • What the decision was
  • When you made the decision
  • How long did it take you to make the decision
  • And explain why it was a difficult decision to make.

Sample 1 Describe A Difficult Decision That You Once Made

I would like to describe a difficult decision I once made, which was to take the IELTS exam. The decision to pursue the IELTS exam was made about six months ago when I was contemplating my future academic and career goals. It took me several weeks of contemplation and research before finally deciding to go ahead with it.

The decision to take the IELTS exam was challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the exam required significant time, effort, and preparation. I knew that preparing for the four sections of the exam, namely Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, would demand extensive practice and dedication. This meant committing myself to a rigorous study schedule and sacrificing leisure time and other commitments.

Secondly, the outcome of the IELTS exam held considerable weight in determining my academic and professional prospects. The exam results would be crucial in securing admissions to universities or applying for job opportunities, both of which held immense importance in shaping my future. The pressure to perform well and achieve the desired scores added to the difficulty of the decision.

Furthermore, the financial aspect of the decision was another factor. Registering for the exam and availing of study materials came with a cost. Considering the expenses involved and the uncertainties associated with the exam, I had to carefully evaluate the potential return on investment and weigh it against my financial situation.

Ultimately, the decision to take the IELTS exam was difficult because it involved significant commitment, preparation, and the potential impact on my future. It required careful consideration of various factors, such as time, effort, finances, and the importance of the exam’s outcomes. However, I recognized the value and opportunities that the IELTS exam could provide in terms of academic and career advancement, which motivated me to overcome the challenges and make the decision to embark on this journey of language proficiency assessment.

Follow ups of Describe A Difficult Decision That You Once Made

Question 1. What decisions do people generally make in their daily life?

Answer – In their daily lives, people make a variety of decisions. These decisions can range from simple choices, such as what to wear or what to have for breakfast, to more significant decisions like selecting a route for commuting or deciding how to prioritize tasks at work. People also make decisions regarding their health, finances, relationships, and leisure activities. Daily decisions often involve weighing options, considering personal preferences and priorities, and assessing potential consequences. From mundane to substantial matters, decision-making is a constant part of daily life for individuals.

Question 2. Which is easier, making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group discussion?

Answer – Deciding whether it is easier to make a decision by oneself or through group discussion can vary depending on the circumstances. Making a decision alone allows for individual autonomy and faster decision-making without the need for consensus. It can be easier when the decision is personal or time-sensitive. On the other hand, group discussions offer diverse perspectives, collective wisdom, and shared responsibility. It can be easier to make complex decisions as a group, considering a broader range of factors and minimizing individual biases. Ultimately, the ease of decision-making depends on the context and the individuals involved.

Question 3. Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice?

Answer – Many young people may be unwilling to listen to their parents’ advice for various reasons. Firstly, as young individuals strive for independence and self-discovery, they may view their parents’ advice as restrictive or outdated, preferring to make their own choices. Additionally, generational gaps and differences in perspectives can lead to a lack of understanding and resistance to parental advice. Young people may also seek validation from peers or prioritize their own desires over parental guidance, contributing to their unwillingness to listen. Ultimately, it is a complex mix of factors that influence young people’s receptiveness to parental advice.

Question 4. Why do middle-aged people tend to second guess their decision?

Answer – Middle-aged people tend to second guess their decisions due to various factors. Firstly, with increased responsibilities and life experiences, they may feel the weight of the consequences of their choices. Middle age is often a time of reflection, leading to self-doubt and a desire to ensure the best outcomes. Additionally, as societal expectations and personal goals may change during this phase, middle-aged individuals may question whether their decisions align with their evolving priorities. The awareness of time passing and the fear of regret can also contribute to second-guessing decisions. Overall, middle age brings a heightened sense of introspection and evaluation, leading to a tendency to reevaluate and reconsider decisions made.

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