Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language

Describe a thing you did to learn another language

  • What language did you learn?
  • What did you do?
  • How does it help you learn the language?
  • And how do you feel about it?

Sample Answer of Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language

In this contemporary epoch, where fierce competition has become important in our lives, we have to strive hard to learn new skills. One of the skills that we have to learn is language skills. Therefore, I decided to learn English. It started two years ago. At first, I didn’t understand anything, and I couldn’t catch every single word that people said to me. But, I never give up. Fortunately, the sophisticated technology gives me an advantage and helps me a lot to do self-learning easily. For instance, by watching videos on YouTube and several websites, such as Tandem, English Discovery and many more, there are a lot of resources that I found on those apps, so I can improve my listening skill and enhance my vocabulary from there. As we know, vocab has always been important to our fluency when we want to speak and share our minds with other people. Actually, the important reason for learning English was to prepare according to the needs of my study, so that, starting from that day, I have been trying to use English in my daily life conversation almost everywhere, even in the workplace. It can’t be denied that the whole process would be very tiring; I’m still learning by doing. Many times I made a lot of mistakes, but I kept on doing practice with determination, dedication, and discipline. However, now, I have started feeling comfortable. I am really grateful and satisfied about this, and now I can speak and understand easily, like a cup of tea, maybe because my vocab is wider than before. It’s like my persistence had paid off, and I did something that was outside of my comfort zone.

Follow-ups of Describe a Thing You Did to Learn Another Language

Question 1:- What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

Answer:- Well, in my humble opinion, the pronunciation would be challenging for people. As we know, each country has their own language and alphabet, so the spelling also would be a bit different; we just haven’t gotten used to it.

Question 2:- At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

Answer:- My suggestion is as soon as possible. Because this is an important skill that must have to survive in this world, especially learning English as the international language.

Question 3:- Which skill is more important speaking or writing?

Answer:- Both of them are important for me, but if I have to choose, speaking would be the best choice for me. Because in our daily lives, we communicate with others by speaking orally, so that is a necessary skill to have to deal with local people.

Question 4:- Do you think language learning is important? Why?

Answer:- It would be necessary to learn the language, as it is an important part of our daily life. For instance, if we want to buy something and go shopping, we will speak to ask how much the price is and the other requirement, if we don’t know the language, we will feel difficult and get lost.

Question 5:- Which is better, to study alone or to study in a group? Why?

Answer:- Both are better for me, it depends on the context, but I believe that if we want to learn and get the long-term memory about what we have learned before, we can choose the second option, learning with our friends. By sharing our knowledge with others, it can increase our capabilities in speaking and remembering something.

Question 6:- What’s the best way to learn a language?

Answer:- The good way to learn is learning by doing because learning without practice would be useless and not worth it as we could forget it easily.

Question 7:- Does a person still need to learn another language if he is good at English?

Answer:- It depends on the requirements if that person wants to go abroad, which is a non-English country, of course, they would need it. Although just learning about the basics would be better than nothing, just to say hello to the local people.

Question 8:- Do you think minority languages will disappear?

Answer:- I don’t think so; let’s say the ancient Egyptian languages that were written on the pyramid is the minority language in this modern epoch, but people still learn about it, and you know, it has become a subject of lecture in several universities. Nowadays, it is also becoming a trend for several juveniles. Learning something new is very interesting and makes us curious about it, so I guess it will never disappear easily.

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