Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.

Describe a time when a family member asked for your help.

You should say:

  • – When it was?
  • – Who asked you for help?
  • – How did you help?
  • – How did you feel about it?

Sample Answer of the Cue Card Describes a time when a family member asked for your help.

Helping anyone, be it, strangers or acquaintances, brings me joy. So obviously when it comes to my own family seeking help, I’m always at their disposal. No procrastinating there.

Well as I think of it, an incident comes to my mind. Not long back, my mother wanted to order something for my grandmother. She loves presents and it was her 70’th birthday, so mom wanted to gift her something delightful. But there was an issue with her bank, so the order could not be placed. She turned to me for help.

When I got to know that she was gifting her a purse, I was disappointed with her choice. We sat down together and brain-stormed reaching a decision finally. Then I placed an order for the prettiest pearl necklace I found after hours of browsing.

Mom was really happy and that made me happy. She also made me brownies in the evening to express her gratitude. Ah! The sweet taste waters my mouth as I think of them. I always tell her to stop being so formal and exploit me as much as she wants. Anyway, grandma loved her present which arrived on her
birthday, early in the morning. It looked adorable on her.

So This is the End of the Cue Card ( Describe a time when a family member asked for your help. )

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