Some People Think that Museums Should Be Enjoyable Places

Some People Think that Museums Should Be Enjoyable Places to Entertain People, While Others Believe that The Purpose of Museums Is to Educate. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Own Opinion.

Some individuals argue about museums’ purposes. Some think museums’ main purpose is to entertain people, while others think they aim to educate. In this essay, I will discuss both arguments before drawing a conclusion.

On the one hand, some people think museums aim to entertain visitors. Some nations’ governments use museums to earn money by providing entertaining theme shows or light shows, which not only entertain the public but also help the government earn money for the preservation of museums. In addition, some individuals consider museums a leisure activity. Individuals visit with family or friends to get relief from stress or just avoid boredom in their lives.

On the other hand, there are reasons why museums’ primary purpose is to educate individuals. Museums provide visitors with the opportunity to learn about ancient artefacts used by people during wars or their living styles in earlier periods, which is offered to all visitors at free or fair-cost tickets. Moreover, museums use the latest billboards or pictures to give brief details of historical items, providing valuable knowledge about things people may not have known about before their museum visit.

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In conclusion, I think museums’ main purpose is to educate people in the present time because people often forget their history. 🏛️📚

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